What is change management? Why do we need a Change Management? Is change management not just ordinary leadership?
First of all, it is good to define change management: It is the development of an organisation and work practice into the desired direction. This change may therefore affect:
- Business models
- Processes
- Organization
- Systems
- Tasks and roles.
There are several models for conducting change; In our experience, the most important thing is to use a structured procedure that facilitates the understanding and management of complex issues. One common model is Kotter‘s ‘ 8 Step model ‘, which is described below.
Kotter initially built his model to manage change, but recent developments have taken the model more in the direction of change acceleration (from leading -> to acceleration).
There are useful tools for transformational help. These include:
- Stakeholder analysis
- Impact Analysis – Change and Impact Analysis
- Communication Plan
- Action Plan – Activity Plan
- Project Change Tracking
- Event Log – Incident log.
In an IT project, change management can be seen at two levels: 1) Implementation of agreed business change or activity and 2) managing changes in the IT project (changes in requirements).